A new era in global affairs began. At that moment, expectations were high, yet ambivalent, on both sides of the former Iron Curtain. The end of history discourse dominated economic debates and implied a bright post-Soviet trajectory for the newly established independent states. However, the Soviet legacy and obvious security threats signaled that the road to a post-Soviet regional order would be bumpy.

In fact, the multiple transitions turned out to be far more complex and non-linear than most analysts expected. Numerous fundamental questions remain unanswered up until now and new ones have emerged. The conflict in Ukraine and the deterioration of Russia-West relations to the level of what many call a new Cold War has again thrust the post-Soviet space in the international media spotlight and onto the immediate agenda of world leaders. Multiple questions about post-Soviet trajectories have once again gained a practical, rather than purely historical, meaning.

Marking the 25th anniversary of the disintegration of the USSR, Belarus will host a high-level international expert conference to examine today’s state of play in the post-Soviet space, its meaning for Europe and Eurasia and for the future of international relations and security.


High-profile experts from the post-Soviet space, EU, and the USA. Diplomats will be invited as observers.

Conference Objectives

  • To analyse the state of the multiple internal and regional transitions in the post-Soviet space and its implications for international cooperation and security in Eurasia.
  • To compare international perspectives on the place and role of the post-Soviet space in the new world order under de/construction.
  • To reflect upon post-Soviet trajectories and opportunities to promote stability and security in the post-Soviet space.



7 December


Night-owl session (off-the-record). Reality Check: A new Cold War?

Crowne Plaza Hotel (13 Kirava str.)

Alexander Iskandaryan

Director, Caucasus Institute, Armenia

Volodymyr Fesenko

Chairman of Board, PENTA Center, Ukraine

Christopher Hartwell

President, CASE – Center for Social and Economic Research, USA – Poland

Alexey Tokarev

Senior Research Fellow, Institute for International Studies, MGIMO-University, Russia


Yauheni Preiherman

Head, Minsk Dialogue Track-II Initiative, Belarus

8 December



Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) (17 Kirava str.)


Opening ceremony, welcoming remarks

Evgeny Shestakov

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Belarus

Sergey Rakhmanov

Chairman, Standing Committee on International Affairs and National Security, Council of the Republic of the National Assembly, Belarus

Valery Varanetsky

Chairman, Standing Committee on International Affairs, House of Representatives of the National Assembly, Belarus

Vladimir Kiku

Director, Department of Humanitarian Cooperation, Political and Social Affairs, CIS Executive Committee

Wolfgang Sender

Country Director Belarus, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Germany

Yauheni Preiherman

Head, Minsk Dialogue Track-II Initiative, Belarus


Session 1. Multiple transitions: the post-Soviet countries on the political and economic maps 25 years after the collapse of the USSR.

Christopher Hartwell

President, CASE – Center for Social and Economic Research, USA – Poland

Oksana Solopova

Deputy Dean, Department of History, Moscow State University, Russia

Laurence Broyd

Senior Principal Research Analyst, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK

Viachaslau Menkouski

Professor, Department of History, Belarusian State University, Belarus

Alexander Iskandaryan

Director, Caucasus Institute, Armenia


Viktar Shadursky

Dean, Department of International Relations, Belarusian State University, Belarus


Coffee break


Session 2. In search of a divorce contract or a new model of integration? Failures and successes of post-Soviet dis/integration projects.

Lessya Karatayeva

Chief Researcher, Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan

Volodymyr Fesenko

Chairman of Board, PENTA Center, Ukraine

Andrei Rusakovich

Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, Belarusian State University; Chairman of the Board, Foreign Policy and Security Research Centre, Belarus

Alexey Tokarev

Senior Research Fellow, Institute for International Studies, MGIMO-University, Russia


Andrey Skryba

Researcher, Centre for Comprehensive European and International Studies, Higher School of Economics, Russia




Session 3. New dividing lines across the post-Soviet space: what has gone wrong in regional and global affairs?

Key-note speeches

Ivan Antonovich

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Belarus

Robert Barry

Ambassador (Rtd), USA


Paul Révay

European Director, The Trilateral Commission, France

Sergey Minasyan

Deputy Director, Caucasus Institute, Armenia


Yauheni Preiherman

Head, Minsk Dialogue Track-II Initiative, Belarus


Coffee break


Session 4. The outlook for the post-Soviet space in the next decade: where are the trajectories heading and how to advance peace and development?

Giorgi Kanashvili

Executive Director, Caucasian House, Georgia

Balázs Jarábik

Nonresident Scholar, Russia and Eurasia Programme, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Slovakia

Roza Turarbekova

Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, Belarusian State University, Belarus

Paul Hansbury

Researcher, St. Antony’s College, Oxford University, UK

Adil Kaukenov

Director General, International Centre for Kazakhstani-Chinese Cooperation “China Centre”, Kazakhstan

Vadim Gigin

Dean, Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Belarusian State University, Belarus


Wolfgang Sender

Country Director Belarus, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Germany


Concluding remarks