After graduating from the faculty of history of the Belarusian state University in 1989, he was engaged in teaching and administrative work in higher education institutions of Belarus.
In 2016 he defended his doctoral thesis on the history of international relations and foreign policy.
Since September 2008 he has worked at the faculty of international relations of the Belarusian state university as an Associate Professor, since April 2014 – as Head of the Department of Diplomatic and Consular service.
Since November 2008, he has been the Head of the «Foreign Policy and Security Research Center».
His research interests include Belarus’s foreign policy, Belarusian-German relations, European security problems, international relations in the XX – early XXI centuries.
He has authored more than 200 scientific works and teaching materials, including those published abroad. Andrey Rusakovich is often invited as a speaker at numerous scientific events, takes part in the development and implementation of international technical assistance projects.